Access your Canvas dashboard where you can view your grades and course content, 提交作业, 跟踪即将到来的课程.
We are committed to working with students to identify their strengths and develop their talents. That's why we have our dedicated on-campus Career Services with 个人ized career coaches. Our coaches are equipped with tips on designing a purposeful career, 发展上帝赋予你的力量, 打造杀手级简历, 和雇主联系!
Our online catalog is the official document relative to academic program offerings and charges. If you want to see descriptions of your courses or check out classes to take next 学期, 这就是该去的地方.
The 院校检讨委员会 (IRB) serves our campus community by ensuring that all research involving human participants meet or exceed federal guidelines governing such research.
住宅生活 & 住房
Living in a residence hall as an undergraduate is a challenging, yet rewarding way to live out our commitment to being a Christian community. 点击下面的链接, 你会发现我们的宿舍和公寓的信息, 住房过程, 如何成为注册会计师, and what it means to fully immerse in the on-campus experience."
瑞安图书馆 offers a multitude of resources for students – from checking out books, 到印刷站, 在线数据库, 引用的帮助, 以及小组或个人的研究领域.
bbin提供校内和校外的事工机会, 还有一个学生提问的地方, 分享生活, 像传教士一样生活. 你是否喜欢小组设置, 服务项目, 任务, 或者音乐,我们会帮你的.
Students with our regional centers also have the convenience of dedicated on-site chaplains available.
In order to truly understand a university, you must understand its purpose. Our student handbook goes into detail about what bbin is all about.